How to Structure Your Organization to Achieve DevOps Excellence by Adri Villela Dzero Labs

Some companies use a custom model that assumes having a certain practice for transferring software from Dev to an additional team, responsible for further operations called SRE . DevOps practices come and go as they are put to a test against real-life scenarios. Some prove to be viable, others just don’t bring the results we expect.

devops org structure

Meetings like these keep the team on the same page and give everyone a chance to communicate their thoughts on how things are going. The feedback loop encourages those who thrive upon it to find ways to improve. Retrospectives also provide valuable data concerning the success of the process and its approval rating from the team members utilizing it. All this information can be used to inform future decisions and increase the effectiveness of the system as a whole. As DevOps is started up as a pilot program, a DevOps team forms to learn the new tools and technologies and then begin implementation. Then they become their own silo, making sure the uneducated masses don’t spoil their new utopia.

Remain Fluid in Your Processes

You can use all the services, or choose only what you need to complement your existing workflows. Doing DevOps in Public Cloud does require a team to define the public cloud architecture in terms of using the right resources. Whether the organisation has the capacity or skills to take the lead on operational concerns. The Temporary DevOps Team looks substantially like Anti-Type B , but its intent and longevity are quite different. The temporary team has a mission to bring Dev and Ops closer together, ideally towards a Type 1 or Type 2 model, and eventually make itself obsolete.

devops org structure

Tooling is an important component of DevOps, particularly given the emphasis on managing change correctly—today, change management relies on highly specific tools. Overall, however, proponents of DevOps strongly emphasize organizational culture—rather than tooling—as the key to success in adopting a new way of working. A good culture can work around broken tooling, but the opposite rarely holds true. A DevOps engineer is responsible for designing the right infrastructure required for teams to continuously build and deliver products. The engineer identifies project requirements and KPIs and customizes the tool stack.

How to create an IT Org Chart for Modern DevOps

You will still need a team that defines which parts of the public cloud APIs and services to use and how. The DevOps Silo (Anti-Type B) typically results from a manager or exec deciding that they “need a bit of this DevOps thing” and starting a ‘DevOps team’ (probably full of people known as ‘a DevOp‘). The members of the DevOps team quickly form another silo, keeping Dev and Ops further apart than ever as they defend their corner, skills, and toolset from the ‘clueless Devs’ and ‘dinosaur Ops’ people. Crucially, the SRE team can reject software that is operationally substandard, asking the Developers to improve the code before it is put into Production. Collaboration between Dev and SRE happens around operational criteria but once the SRE team is happy with the code, they support it in Production.

devops org structure

If the products stored in multiple repos work on independent schedules or processes, you can split them into multiple projects. Git repo portability makes it easy to move a repo between projects and still keep full-fidelity commit history. Other history, such as pull requests or build history, aren’t easily migrated. DevOps becomes just a rebranding of the role previously known as SysAdmin, with no real cultural/organizational change taking place. This anti-type is becoming more and more widespread as unscrupulous recruiters jump on the bandwagon searching for candidates with automation and tooling skills.


Avoid becoming married to set systems and protocol because not every solution will work for your teams or your organization. Don’t adhere to any prescriptive methodologies if you find they aren’t working for your organization. No two organizations are alike and that means taking someone else’s system wholesale and applying it to your team isn’t a guarantee of success. The beauty of DevOps and Agile is that they encourage experimentation and enable rapid changes to be made. Take advantage of this expectation of DevOps and make sure to embrace new ideas at least for a short testing period to see what works best for you. This means your bottlenecks might not necessarily be caused by something that can be repaired through automation.

  • A C4E is a cross functional team that operates across central IT, Line of Business IT, and digital innovation teams.
  • Go Day 2022 highlights include possible Go updates to tackle compatibility, security and developer pain points such as for-loop …
  • As well, Ops will be responsible for generating and cultivating new solutions, aimed at reducing the development and deployment times and pass on that information to Devs.
  • Have at least one organization, which may represent your company, your larger collection of code projects, or even multiple related business units.
  • Teams and DevOps leaders should be wary of anti-patterns, which are marked by silos, lack of communication, and a misprioritization of tools over communication.

They are transparent on performance, progress, and impediments, with a constant and relentless push towards improvement through feedback. Use your Microsoft account if you don’t need to authenticate users for an organization with Azure AD. All users must sign in to your organization with a Microsoft account. When you’re considering many projects, keep in mind that Git repo portability makes it easy to migrate repos between projects. Each organization gets its own free tier of services as follows.

You provide Netflix as an example of an org that is fully-integrated. However, I would argue that Netflix only appears fully-integrated because they are actually the best example of IaaS – being almost fully reliant on AWS for their infrastructure. These types of inconsistencies make question the “moderate” potential effectiveness you’ve assigned to the IaaS pattern. I would argue that IaaS has the highest potential effectiveness of all the options. This is the classic ‘throw it over the wall’ split between Dev and Ops. The first version of these DevOps Topologies was created by Matthew Skelton in 2013.

In order to implement these core ideas, it’s important to have an org chart software that can easily manage different scenarios and quick changes. There are many ways and different steps to take in order to organize DevOps teams. The steps outlined above are by no means the only way to pursue DevOps. Organizations will have to choose the steps and structures that work best for them.

One vs. many repos

Sriram’s slide inspired me to make an org chart version that clearly shows job titles and reporting structures. Click the org chart below to search and explore the org chart live. Sriram visualized a four tier concept for structuring DevOps teams. The idea is that each tier of teams has a constant “Ideate-Build-Run” process for their area of DevOps.

7 key DevOps roles organizations need for a successful transition – TechBeacon

7 key DevOps roles organizations need for a successful transition.

Posted: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 07:39:33 GMT [source]

You can best determine project structure by how you ship the product. Having several projects shifts the administration burden and gives your teams more autonomy to manage the project as the team decides. It also provides greater control of security and access to assets across the different projects. Having team independence with many projects creates some alignment challenges, however. If each project is using a different process or iteration schedule, it can make communication and collaboration difficult if the taxonomies aren’t the same.

What’s a project?

Learn more about how a C4E can help organizations build an effective DevOps team structure and explore how the model helped one of our customers, Cox Automotive, increase the efficiency of their DevOps team. While the actual work a team performs daily will dictate the DevOps toolchain, you will need some type of software to tie together and coordinate the work between your team and the rest of the organization. Jira is a powerful tool that plans, tracks, and manages software development projects, keeping your immediate teammates and the extended organization in the loop on the status of your work. The excellent work from the people at Team Topologies provides a starting point for how Atlassian views the different DevOps team approaches. But despite these risks and demands, many organizations are still organizing their people and teams in ways that are counterproductive to modern software development and operations. Developers and operators collaborating is the key for successful continuous delivery.

devops org structure

The job a product manager does for a company is quite different from the role of product owner on a Scrum team. Many organizations struggle to manage their vast collection of AWS accounts, but Control Tower can help. More than ever, increases in data-centric developer reliance, data sources and users push developers to understand IT purchasing … Developers face numerous struggles trying to perform traditional, end-to-end integration testing on microservices. Hold regular retrospective meetings within each team that gives members an opportunity to express their opinion on how things have gone and how they would like to do things moving into the future. Take advantage of the fluid nature of DevOps and Agile by encouraging experimentation and embracing a fast rate of change.

Whether it’s with two pizzas in a conference room or the adoption of real-time collaboration tools and easily updated documentation, organizations must make an effort to bring DevOps teams together. The particular activities and tasks will vary, depending on the existing corporate culture, proximity to like-minded IT folks and leadership. Get ideas from the experts’ advice below, and formulate a plan to introduce everyone to DevOps, get them excited about it and ensure ongoing communication. The understanding each team member brings from their discipline will reduce the need for handoffs and will make sure problems are found sooner or prevented altogether.

And that usually means aligning the organizational structure with the desired team structure, as observed by the proverb known as Conway’s Law. BMC works with 86% of the Forbes Global 50 and customers and partners around the world to create their future. Provide the infrastructure and automation tools that the business developers require for releasing and supporting the code themselves. Each business unit within your company gets its own organization in Azure DevOps, along with its own Azure AD tenant. You can set up projects within those individual organizations, as required, based on teams or ongoing work.

Devops Responsibilities: On Call Incident Management

Not only is it cost-effective but the knowledge they possess and share with others will be an added advantage. Continuous Delivery takes the applications and delivers them to selected infrastructures. This article unpacks the reasons why structuring a DevOps team can be so difficult, explains the most common DevOps organizational models, and discusses what to consider when devising a DevOps team structure. Another ingredient for success is a leader willing to evangelize DevOps to a team, collaborative teams, and the organization at large. This team structure assumes that development and operations sit together and operate on a singular team – acting as a united front with shared goals. Occasionally called “NoOps”, this is commonly seen in technology companies with a single, primary digital product, like Facebook or Netflix.

Instead, with DevOps, the team who comes up with an idea for an improved software should also build the software and run the software. And the person who builds the new road doesn’t fill in potholes. The problem with this traditional approach is a lack of quality.

Because if something breaks, all teams will be unable to deliver software. You need to get there somehow, and that probably means a transitional organizational structure. Typically, this will happen with some sort of pilot team that acts as the seed for the organization’s DevOps culture. devops organization structure A single project puts all of the work at the same «portfolio» level for the entire organization. With a single project, teams share source repos, build definitions, release definitions, reports, and package feeds. You might have a large product or service that’s managed by many teams.

Step 3:  Adopting Suitable Tools for the DevOps Team Structure

In other words, any change is vetted by SRE-team, and only after they are satisfied with the quality, the software moves on to Ops-team, who’s responsible for deployments. Hiring external DevOps consultants may be useful for smaller companies who want to get a better grasp of the latest best practices in automation, monitoring and configuration management without hiring in-house expertise. Engaging with a reputable DevOps services provider makes perfect sense in this case. Proper engagement with the team and influencing positivity across the organization is essential.