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Another key reason is the fact that Proof of Work enables an honest and healthy competition. The process of using PoW to validate transactions on the blockchain is entertaining for some people, the rewards gained also a big factor. With PoS, the reward for Staking crypto is nowhere near as great as being rewarded for verifying hashes where a Miner may receive a certain amount of Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Proof of Stake vs. Proof of Work

So for 2,000 years, state machines were special purpose state machines. So if you wanted to compute something, you had to build a dedicated machine to compute that. Another one that I find fascinating on the proof of work is bees. I find how the queen bee, I guess, goes out and then the fastest one is the one that genetic line is passed on.

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It’s fully inclusive, so everyone can have access to these watts. So for 60 years, we once again have another honey pot problem where you have these massive data repositories. You have this capacity to control a bunch of people’s computers all across the world, but you have no capacity to impose physically https://xcritical.com/ prohibitive costs on the abuse of that information, that data or the abuse of that abstract power. And you have all these people that are designing systemically exploitative abstract power hierarchies through their software. And then you also have all the just massive levels of hacks and everything.

Proof of Stake vs. Proof of Work

Computer programming is effectively the same way. Computer programmers think of fictional designs in their brain, fictional stories. They write those down on scripts using a newly invented symbolic language called machine code.

Explainer: Understanding Ethereums Major ‘proof Of Stake’ Upgrade

So that was the basis of abstract power hierarchies. You’re just letting people know, it’s like, “I have the capacity to impose severe physical prohibitive cost.” Now, the reason why it’s hilarious with when the little dog does it is because when the little dog is yapping at the bigger dog, the bigger dog has been domesticated. So those dogs have been their wolves, extremely aggressive wolves that over 40,000 years have had their physical aggression and their inclination to be physically aggressive, essentially bred out of them. So domestication is the process of humans deliberately removing a animal pack’s inclination to impose physically prohibitive costs, making them docile.

Proof of Stake vs. Proof of Work

Or rather, spending the same coins multiple times? And how could anybody trust a public ledger of transactions stored online in a world where every other day news breaks of yet another cyberattack? The answer to that question was something known as the Proof of Work protocol. When it comes to speed, Proof-of-stake outperforms Proof-of-work as well.

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I found the expert in software security and software system security. I found the expert with 40 years of knowledge and literally wrote the book on system security that the whole world uses. And I found her and she was also skeptical. She’s like, “I think it’s all scam.” But I was like, “Okay, then you should be my Ethereum Proof of Stake Model advisor and let me prove to you using your own area of expertise why Bitcoin is the exception. If I can convince you using your own area expertise of why Bitcoin actually is a major new change in cybersecurity, then wouldn’t that be a good thesis? ” And she was like, “Okay, cool.” So I found her as my advisor.

Because of this, numerous cryptocurrencies like Cardano’s Ouroboros have been developed using a Proof of Stake system or are actively shifting onto it, like Ethereum’s Ether. One such method is known as coin-aging, in which staked currencies accrue “age” the longer they’re staked by a node. A stake’s coin-age is taken into account alongside its total value when assigning probability — meaning that higher values still increase the likelihood, but those “waiting in line” will eventually get their turn irrespective of how much they can stake at any given moment. However, many Proof of Stake systems uses extra sorting methods to assign some randomness to the selection process. Some may be quick to point out that by assigning likelihood according to the amount one stakes, the protocol could incentivize the same centralization that Proof of Work encouraged by favoring larger, richer entities. This was ostensibly a way for groups unable to utilize traditional banking channels to grow wealth, such as refugees, stateless persons, or those living under totalitarian regimes as well as provide better security to all users by the elimination of a requisite third-party.

This way, nodes are not incentivized to expend enormous amounts of computer power all at once. Rather than pitting them against each other in a race to solve the computationally intensive hash puzzle, miners in a Proof of Stake dynamic are instead randomly selected to validate blocks of data in exchange for a cut of the transaction fees. This constitutes a significant barrier to entry for many entities looking to get in on the Bitcoin mining race, leaving only the largest, most entrenched heavyweights in the arena for each block. Many smaller miners work in “mining pools” that operate as a single entity, combining computer power to win the puzzle race and split the spoils proportionately. In the “proof-of-stake” system, ether owners will lock up set amounts of their coins to check new records on the blockchain, earning new coins on top of their “staked” crypto. The Ethereum blockchain is due to merge with a separate blockchain, radically changing the way it processes transactions and how new ether tokens are created.

So if you took my computer right here, this general purpose state machine, it is a bunch of circuitry. It’s a bunch of floating gate transistors with electrons on them. As soon as I ‘load a program on it’, nothing’s changed. It’s still the exact same electrons stored in floating gate transistors. And if I ‘remove or delete’ that program, the circuits and the floating gate transistors with the electrons in them are still there.

  • When a honey bee stings something, they will sink that thing so deep in their skin that, because of how it’s designed, the only way to get that thing to detach from the person they sting is to disembowel themselves and then they die.
  • Another problem with abstract power is it’s bounded in zero sum.
  • As part of his bitter war against adulthood, he likes to distill art, gaming, technology, and entertainment info into digestible topics people actually enjoy reading.
  • One important difference is that instead of solving math problems, validators lock up set amounts of cryptocurrency—their stake—in a smart contract on the blockchain.
  • And then often there is a way to modify the upper stake mechanism to also achieve it.

It’s exogenous to the system that you’re the king of. Then another big one, and you mentioned this too, but it’s a huge one, is that, obviously, physical power is physically decentralized. So you can actually validate, you actually see physical power, and you can actually validate it. Well, actually, let’s say the bad sides again, though, physical power is energy intensive and physical power is prone to causing injury.

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When the block is validated by the chosen Validator and the objective is cleared, that Validator is rewarded with newly mined crypto for their work. The Proof of Work protocol made cryptocurrency possible, solving major problems maintaining the security and integrity of the blockchain — but, as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency has proliferated and scaled, Proof of Work has created quite a few problems too. Proof-of-stake minimizes the amount of computing labor required to authenticate blocks and transactions that ensure the security of the blockchain and, consequently, a cryptocurrency. Proof of work and proof of stake are two different consensus mechanisms for cryptocurrency, but there are important differences between them.

Proof of Stake vs. Proof of Work

The stinger of a honeybee is designed to inflict as much pain as possible on an attacker, to impose as much physically prohibitive costs on an attacker for the systemic defense of the hive. And they will die in the process of doing it. Not to protect themselves, but to protect the hive. And it’s just a great illustration of that point. So early in this age, we had god kings.

Another big one, and this is a huge one, when we get into a future conversation about proof of work versus proof of stake is that physical power is systemically exogenous. Meaning, it cannot be systemically exploited. Whereas rank people can change their rank or people can change the rules so that rank has more abstract power than not, right? Rank is instantiated by the system itself and, therefore, is systemically exploitable, but physical walks is an ontologically different phenomenon that exists completely outside of these abstract power hierarchies that we use to manage resources. This one’s called The Collapse of Complex Societies.

Btc098: Proof Of Stake Pos Versus Proof Of Work Pow

Still, those updates are likely months, if not years, away. Mining rigs for the Ethereum and Zilliqa cryptocurrencies at the Evobits crypto farm in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on Jan. 22, 2021. While you’d have a hard time spending the same dollar bill on two separate purchases, anyone who’s duplicated a computer file by copying and pasting can probably imagine how you could spend digital money twice—even ten times or more. Whether you’re exploring ways to manage volatility, seeking income and diversification opportunities, or looking for tax management strategies-Invescohas over 200 ETFs to help you meet your financial goals. Visitinvesco.comfor a prospectus with this information. Help empower girls to break free through education, healthcare, child protection, and other wonderful benefits by being aWorld Visionchild sponsor today.

Okay, I’m a major skeptic on crypto tokens, which you call currency like Bitcoin. They are decentralized Ponzi schemes, and the notion that’s good for anybody is unbelievable. So we sit here in this room and talk about a lot of things, but $2 billion has been lost every year, $30 billion of ransomware, AML, sex trafficking, stealing. There’d be nothing wrong with the stablecoin, just like a money market fund, properly regulated. Problem number two, this gets to your point, which is, you’re assuming that people will think that the synth strain is bad.

So the god kings got the resource control authority. They probably weren’t actually gods and then there’s no indication that they were. In the Neolithic age, we adopted new types of protocols for establishing consensus on the legitimate state of ownership and chain of custody of our internal resources, and then after we established these new protocols, you start to see signs of massive scale warfare. So this is really important to pull the thread on from both an anthropology perspective, but also the core. The way natural selection has optimized itself is what you see in surviving animals today, which is for the overwhelming majority of cases, when pack animals have property to distribute amongst the pack, they feed and they breed the most powerful members of the pack. So they snarl and bite at each other, and they’re constantly doing this.

Proof Of Stake Advantages

That means it’s not verifiably physically decentralized. It’s like physically impossible for it to be verifiably decentralized because it’s not a real thing. So no one can prove that stake isn’t already centralized. Yeah, I guess you could say it’s a mix.

It is cost efficient, without the overwhelming set up costs of a Proof of Work system, where hardware, computing power, and energy costs need to be factored in. Proof of Work also converts surplus energy into cryptocurrency. The trapped energy produced through mining can be converted into value with mining software and hardware.

But the problem is, if you are a parasite or a sociopath or you’re just a guy that wants a lot of control authority over resources, abstract power hierarchies create a nice, beautiful honey pot for you. All you have to do is become a high ranking person. So what sapiens started doing is they started abstracting. They started coming up with imaginary alternatives to the proof of power protocol.

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It’s lucrative because the miners are rewarded with new crypto when they accurately validate the new data and don’t cheat the system. No, this is great because let’s use adversarial thinking here. From Jamie Dimon’s point of view, to your point, he’s the top dog, he’s the apex predator in his abstract power hierarchy, right? He needs to do whatever he can to maintain his abstract power. He’s talking about because software is so semantically ambiguous and because it’s all abstract, a common tactic, and you see this with like the crypto world, is you pick something random and you say that’s the innovation.

So this usually trips people out when you explain it, but programming or a program that you have loaded or the piece of software that you have loaded is just the symbolic meaning that you apply to the state change of the state machine. And that’s because a human’s effectively figured out a way to apply symbolic meanings to circuits, and then they get those circuits to repeat that symbolic meaning back to them. So a painter thinks of a scene, and he uses physical paint and canvas to depict that scene.

Or actually, that could be the best case scenario because you have to look specifically at the stake, and if someone controls 60% of all coins, they can have far more than 60% of the stake that’s being used in validators. When you use abstract power hierarchies and you get enormous amounts of resource abundance, but you don’t have a military to protect it. So you have all this freshly irrigated farmland, but you have no soldiers to protect it, your benefit to cost ratio is extremely high. You’re going to get Sargon the Conqueror or Charlemagne or Napoleon or all these other economists that have ever lived.

Mr. Dimon, if I can ask you one other question, I’d like to ask of another topic that I’ve been very focused on, which is the rapid development of digital assets and related financial technology. I believe the United States should lead the development of emerging technologies like distributed ledgers and blockchain, and the federal government should provide the certainty needed for the country to serve as a hub for financial innovation. And I’ve developed legislation to help define qualified stablecoins, which I know the chairwoman and the ranking member are also working on, and to select the appropriate regulator. I’ve read that you’re a little skeptical of some of these new technologies, but what are the biggest things keeping you from being more active in the space?